The week passed quickly and I have not had time to look back. This week was not very simple for us. It was a week of good news, new plans and new acquaintances, and even, unfortunately, of sickness of entire our family, which of course is very unpleasant, and most important takes time out of life! Brrrr! Do not get sick! :)
You can call me a "botanist" from the moment I started to take pictures of all flora in LA area. Anyway the nature always inspires me and I never get tired of it. During the sickness that's good to be concentrate on a beautiful spring.
Sunday I watched the weather forecast. It said the rain would be on Tuesday. I was very glad. Clouds came already on Monday, the air was filled with moisture and the nature said that it was ready to rain. Kate and I was roaming about the streets.

It was raining at night and in the morning the wind has dried the streets and only the wet carpet of petals reminded of the rain.

Well, the next day there was not any cloud in the sky. We have already started to get sick, but I still tried not to miss an opportunity to take a walk, listen to birds singing and bask in the sun. How do I love the sun!

Movies! Actually we often watch in our family cartoons at home. At this time, watching "Megamind" we laughed heartily!

Mimosa. This is the only (probably) flower, the smell of which I can not stand. I don't like it at all, and it is strange, because many people love mimosas! I have complicated relationships with it. But what a beauty! I love yellow flowers!
By the way, here we are already very sick, but still drag ourself out to kill virus, I hope.

An attempt to cure a cold by the ocean was not very successfull, because there was a very strong wind. It was difficult to walk there, and ever more difficult for sick us. So we decided to quickly relocate to a cafe nearby, sit there outside and eat a hot soup of a day.

On Sunday Katia and I breathed with relief, because the sickness began to abate. On the other hand out dad got sick - that's not really good. Still walking in our neighbourhood, enjoying the sun and the birds singing.

Have a nice week.
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